Accessible 401(k)s and Portable Retirement Plans (PRPs)
We make it easy to access retirement benefits, financial advice, and consolidate assets.At least ~50% of SMBs think retirement accounts are too expensive. While a 401(k) is increasingly becoming the cornerstone of retirement in the US.AgeraFi makes it easy to access these benefits for SMBs and Sole Proprietors.
Accessible advice for all investors
Easy to use AI tools help you build budgets, plan for big ticket expenses, automate fractional investments, and tips on paying down debts.Access independent financial advisors on demand for one-off needs or find an advisor relationship.Easily share and securely share the most important aspects of your financial history with an independent financial advisor.
One dashboard for all financial needs
Enable clients to see all financial accounts in one place. Build spending plans, budgets, manage your debt payments, and track investments. Share it with your advisor discretely as needed.
Customizable financial planner for individuals and advisors
Users can build, manage, and track their progress, or work with an independent advisor on demand to build a tailored plan.
Affordable pricing with no hidden fees
Flat monthly pricing for business, employees, and sole proprietors.